Can you believe that 2016 is just around the corner?
Psst… is and it will be here before you know it. Are you ready?
It’s often during this time of the year that many folks start thinking about New Year’s Resolutions.
And hands down THE most common New Year’s resolution is to lose weight.
Year after year so many people make this a “goal” and fail to obtain it. There are so many reasons why people don’t reach their New Year’s resolution goals and I’ve shared some of them with you in previous posts. The bottom line is that “quick” fixes, diets, etc. do not work. In order to succeed it has to be about making lifestyle changes.
If one of your goals is to eat healthy, lose weight, and have more energy then I have a special resource that I would like to share with you. It will make your life a lot easier and help you make your New Year’s weight loss goals a reality!
One of the best things that you can do which will kick start your healthy eating habits and weight loss is to eat more whole foods, specifically plant based whole foods.
Stop counting calories. Stop looking for “low fat” processed foods.
Instead start by incorporating more plant based foods (veggies, fruits, nuts/seeds, grains (I still like gluten free) and beans into your diet.
I’m not suggesting that you give up meat, eggs, chicken or fish.
Instead I would like to see you ditch all sugar laden processed foods (even gluten free processed junk), minimize animal proteins (enjoy them but treat them as more of a side dish) and include more plant based foods.
If you make those changes on a consistent basis then reaching your health and weight loss goals in the New Year will be as close to guaranteed as you can get!
Sounds simple enough eh?
Sure does but I know exactly what you’re thinking. How do I include more plant based foods into my diet?
It’s hard enough to put a meal on the table let alone a meal that is focused on including more plant based foods.
Well my friends consider your problem solved! That’s right!
To help you successfully include more plant based foods into your diet in 2016 I would like to share a FANTASTIC resource with you!
It’s a blog called All Plant-Based Eats (APB eats) that is a passion project of a good high school friend of mine named Lisa.
As some of you may know, I have a love/hate relationship with social media. Now’s not the time for me to go into my dislike surrounding social media. There isn’t enough space J. But one reason that I love it is that it has allowed me to reconnect with friends that I have not seen in years like Lisa.
Lisa is not a clinician. Instead, she is someone that is more knowledgeable about plant-based eating then most clinicians. She is immensely passionate about plant-based eating along with art, travel and the environment.
What she has created is so incredibly valuable! She has taken all of her passions and put them into her All Plant-Based Eats blog. You can read her story here: .
I share this with you because she has done all of the heavy lifting for you. She has compiled all of her tasty plant-based food recipes right on her blog which she shares freely at .
Not only does she include the recipes with all of the step-by-step instructions to make these delectable delights but she also provides you with tips on how to properly stock your plant-based pantry. She shortens the learning curve for you and makes it easy to include more plant-based foods into your diet.
Plus, having a background in art, she includes unbelievable pictures of all her finished creations. You can practically smell and taste her delicious creations through her pictures. If smell-o-vision or taste-o-vision existed you would be all over each of her recipes. Check them out for yourself and let me know what you think.

Lisa’s Creamy-Tomato-Soup
There are so many wonderful benefits to including more plant-based foods into your diet. Plant-based foods are nutrient dense, full of vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and fiber to name a few. These foods also contain wonderful anti-inflammatory properties which will help you fend off most chronic diseases.
In case you didn’t get it the first time, here it is again. I’m not suggesting that you give up meat or other animal products.
Instead I’m encouraging you to include more plant-based foods into your diet for better health.
Lisa’s blog has made the inclusion of plant-based foods into your diet simple, approachable and without compromising flavor.
Let us not forget that healthy eating is both delicious and nutritious.
The bottom line is that if you want to reach your weight loss goals in 2016 then eat more plant-based whole foods. You won’t be sorry and your body will THANK YOU!
Go ahead over to and tell Lisa I sent you. So many people (myself included :) ) have been encouraging her for some time to share her gift with the world by launching a website or putting out a cookbook with all of her fantastic healthy recipes. Well my friends she has done it!
So please go on over to her site to show her some love and support so that she’ll keep sharing her talents and wonderful healthy recipes with the world!
As always I hope this information has served you and will take you one step closer to your desired health goals.
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I also have health tips and informative videos over on YouTube.
And if you enjoyed this information please forward it along to your friends and family. More people need good solid information so that they can make informed decisions about their health.
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Until we chat again remember: Eat Well, Move Often and Stay Healthy!