What’s the good word this holiday season?
One word that usually isn’t a good word this time of the year is STRESS!

8 Tips To Beat Holiday
Unfortunately this wonderful time of the year becomes a very stressful time for some folks and as a result it takes away from holiday enjoyment.
Let’s face it, stress is a part of life BUT it doesn’t have to ruin your holiday season.
To help you have a wonderful STRESS-FREE holiday I’ve compiled a list of 8 Tips To Help You Beat Holiday Stress.
Are you ready?
Let’s go:
1. Don’t bite off more than you can chew: This is traditionally a busy time of the year. Holiday parties, family gatherings, church functions, work obligations and the list goes on. It’s easy to get overwhelmed. That is if you bite off more than you can chew. It’s ok to say NO. Instead, take on tasks and attend gatherings that make you feel happy and fulfilled. Attend the events you look forward to and find a nice way to steer clear of the ones that stress you out.
2. Plan: A little planning goes a long way. The holidays can be busy as we were just discussing so instead of shooting from the hip, put a plan together. Schedule out your month, weeks and days. Commit to those events that make you happy by placing them on the calendar. If there is time leftover then you can decide if you attend any of those stressful events. Tip: be sure to schedule Me time during your planning (more on Me time later).
3. Focus on the Positive: Nothing causes stress like negativity. Turn on the TV, tune into social media or pick up a daily newspaper and BAM……negativity will clock you square in the face. For 99.9% of us life is not perfect but the vast majority of us have something positive to be thankful for. Do you have food on the table? A roof over your head? Are you able to get up each day and walk? You get my point. Let’s focus on the positive in life because it will significantly diminish your stress.
4. Surround yourself with a positive community: Ditch the “Debbie Downers”. Nothing beats stress like surrounding yourself with a group of positive individuals. Having a group of trusted individuals that you can speak with or engage in positive, uplifting activities or conversations that chokes out the stress is huge.
5. Help those in need: Volunteering your time to help those in need is a powerful experience as well as a great distraction from holiday stress. It helps you put into perspective what’s really important in life and just how good you have it. Giving to others helps you to release wonderful “feel good” hormones that will help combat the ill effects of stress.
6. Take time for yourself: Me time is so important! Constantly catering to the wants and needs of others will stress you out beyond belief. In order to better serve others you need to schedule time for yourself. Just like any other major event you need to carve out time for yourself to read a book, exercise, travel, play tennis or engage in whatever activity you find enjoyment from. Me time reduces stress and helps to refill your energy tank.
7. Maintain a healthy diet: A big contributor to stress is your diet. Junk in = Junk out, simple as that. Most people are familiar with emotional or physical stress but often overlook chemical or metabolic stress. Consuming items like sugar, processed foods, or alcohol creates a chemical stress within our body that then needs to be handled. This chemical stress will contribute to hormonal imbalances which will result in increased stress levels. So remember to enjoy the holidays but practice moderation!
8. Get adjusted: Getting chiropractic adjustments is not just about pain. They certainly help with reducing pain but they also help to improve motion, enhance immune system function, balance your immune system and reduce stress to name a few wonderful benefits. Many people remark that after their adjustments that they feel like the stressors of the world have been removed. Kind of like a sigh of relief. Adjustments help to ease the tension often associated with stress and make you feel great. So be sure to get adjusted to assist with easing your holiday stress.
Well there you have it! 8 Tips To Help You Beat Holiday Stress. I hope that you practice these 8 tips during the holiday season and beyond so that you can enjoy a stress free (or significantly reduced stress J ) life.
As always, I hope this information has served you and will take you one step closer to your desired health goals.
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