Happy Memorial Day Weekend Everyone!! Dr. Mike here.
First, I would like to take a moment for us all to remember the men and women who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. We should all be truly grateful for their service to our wonderful country!
Being that Memorial Day often kicks off the summer beach season I thought that I would give you some useful tips to help you get into bathing suit shape quickly. It can happen fast but not by this weekend :)!!

4 Simple Tips To Lose Body Fat Just In Time For Bathing Suit Season
By implementing these few simple yet easy to implement tips you will take one step closer to jump starting your fat loss and body sculpting mission.
So what can you do to jumpstart your journey toward looking good for bathing suit season?
- 14 Day Nutritional Detox program: This program uses a specific scientifically formulated medical food along with an elimination diet that ramps up your bodies’ ability to detoxify itself. This simple easy to implement detox leads to many wonderful results such as more energy, better sleep, better digestion and of course fat loss. Individuals have had great success with using this program to jumpstart a weight loss program. If you would like more information on this program or to purchase a doctor’s grade nutritional detox please contact me at 856-727-8300. You won’t be disappointed!
- Lose the Grains: I know what you’re saying: Dr. Kirk we’ve heard it before and you sound like a broken record. Why yes I do and for good reason. By now you know how I (and the research) feel about grains. They stink if you’re trying to lose fat and improve your health. They increase the release of insulin and cortisol which promote weight gain. So if you are looking for a quick weight loss jumpstart ditch the grains. Stop the negative talk, yes you can do it and yes you will survive without bread :)! In fact a major component of the detox program I mentioned above is removing wheat and other grains. Remember you do want to look good for bathing suite season, right?
- Drink More Water: Do away with the sugary soda and juices and drink good old fashion water. Approximately 70% of the human body is water so fill up. If you are someone that doesn’t like the taste then trying squeezing in some fresh citrus (lemon, lime or orange). Water helps hydrate the body and cells which helps improves function and the ability to detox. It also helps increase cellular metabolism which translates to fat loss. Here’s another little secret to help boost your metabolism: drink green tea (without any sugar additives, just water and green tea). Green tea helps hydrate and also contains a powerful antioxidant called EGCG that has been demonstrated to help with losing weight.
- Move it!: Don’t make this any harder than it has to be. KISS! Keep It Simple Silly! A little bit of activity spread out throughout your day goes a long way. Purchase a pedometer (a small device which will cost you less than $20 and will help you track the number of steps you take throughout the day) and start challenging yourself to take more steps each day. Purchase small handheld weights or bands to begin toning and adding lean muscle mass. Muscle burns calories and releases wonderful health promoting hormones. With as little as 15 minutes/day you will begin to see some nice changes. Gyms, exercise classes, running etc. are all great (and yes I am a fan of them) but you don’t need them to get started! Instead keep it simple! Slowly build momentum as well as see and feel the results!
So there you have it: 4 Simple Yet Powerful Tips To Help You Look Good In Your Bathing Suit This Season. Give them a try and let me know how you do. Remember you have to take action in order to obtain results!
I hope these tips have served you and that you have found value in them! Please do me a favor and share this information with your friends and family! Many others can benefit from this information!
If you would like to jumpstart your fat loss and be ready for bathing suit season in no time at all then ask us about our FirstLine Therapy Program.
Our FirstLine Therapy Program is a great means of losing body fat and getting lean by implementing powerful lifestyle modifications that are specific to you. With this program I personally coach individuals and help them achieve their desired health goals through lifestyle modification. It is a very powerful program that will serve you for a lifetime. If you want personalized attention, an individual plan and accountability to help you lose weight and reach your desired health goals then ask us about our complimentary FirstLine Therapy consultation.
Have a great holiday weekend! Stay health and stay safe!!
As always I hope this information has served you and will take you one step closer to your desired health goals.
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If so please be sure to let me know what you liked by sending me an email at DrKirk@PerformanceHealthandChiro.com or leave me a comment on Facebook. I would love to keep the conversation going.
And if you enjoyed this information please forward it along to your friends and family. More people need good solid information so that they can make informed decisions about their health.
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Until we chat again remember:
Eat Well, Move Often and Stay Healthy!