Do You Know?
What is the hardest working muscle in the human body? Do you know?
Hint: It pumps out 2 ounces of blood at every beat. On a daily basis it pumps at least 2,500 gallons of blood. It has the ability to beat over 3 billion times in a person’s life.
Got it now?
It’s the heart!
The month of February is American Heart Month.
So during the month of February, on Valentine’s Day and well beyond be sure to take care of and pamper your hardworking heart!
If you treat it well then I’m sure it will feel obliged to do the same in return.
Here are 10 tips to assist you with spoiling your hardworking heart (always consult a physician before engaging in any new health program such as exercise, dietary or supplement programs).
1. Ditch the cigarettes: I know it may seem obvious but people continue to smoke which is one of the most preventable causes of heart problems. Smoking leads to coronary heart disease which leads to heart attack. It has been said that dropping the smoking habit is among one of the hardest things to do but many have accomplished this goal and you can too if you are a smoker.
2. Manage your stress: There’s no escaping it. It’s a part of life. But you can control how you react to it. Be sure to include plenty of stress reducing activities into your daily routines. Some examples may include meditation, laughing, reading, hobbies, exercise, yoga, socializing or getting out into nature to name a few.
3. Move it or lose it: Get off the couch and move. You don’t have to run a marathon or hit the gym every day to pump iron (although both can be heart healthy). Every little bit helps. Simply going for a walk, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or engaging in more strenuous activities around the house can help to improve heart health. Obviously lifting weights, running or engaging in more vigorous activity is beneficial but it isn’t for everyone. Do something you can like and make a part of your daily habits. Your heart is a muscle and it needs to be challenged in order to remain strong and healthy.
4. Consume a heart healthy diet: Quite simply ditch the junk food and eat more whole foods. Recent research has demonstrated that fats are not the driver of heart disease but rather refined carbohydrates are to blame.
“Foods” like pizza, pasta, cookies, breads, sugar, etc. are what drive inflammation and ultimately lead to cardiovascular disease. So instead of the SAD (Standard American Diet) way of eating switch to more of a whole food style diet.
Consume more lean meats (chicken, turkey, wild game, beef), especially fish high in heart loving omega-3 fatty acids like salmon, sardines and tuna. Eat plenty of veggies (especially green like broccoli, kale, spinach and collards). Include low glycemic index fruits like apples, pears and berries. Make nuts and seeds a regular part of your dietary regiment. They are loaded with plenty of health fats, vitamins and minerals that the heart thrives on. Drink plenty of clean water and green tea (loaded with anti-oxidants). Eat plenty of healthy fats. Foods like avocado, olive oil and coconut oil are loaded with heart healthy fatty acids. And for bits of indulgence include dark chocolate and red wine in moderation (do not start consuming if you currently don’t just because they may be heart healthy). Some research has shown that the both of these items are loaded with antioxidants which can help combat heart disease. The key is not to overdo it!
5. Quality sleep: In my opinion sleep is totally under rated when it comes to one’s health. So many individuals are going with less and less sleep and unfortunately it is often a lower quality sleep. It’s important that you strive for 7-8 hours of uninterrupted quality sleep. Your heart will thank you!
6. Supplement accordingly: Always start with a good healthy well rounded diet and if there are gaps in your dietary regiment then supplement accordingly. Some of the more common heart healthy supplements may include fish oil, anti-oxidants, CoQ10, magnesium, garlic and vitamin D. Reminder: just because its “natural” doesn’t mean it’s safe. You should always work with a trained profession who can help guide you on selecting a quality supplement and provide you with the right dosing for your situation.
7. Maintain a healthy weight: The more weight you carry the more stress on your heart. Plus when our body weight is not optimal we begin to store excess body fat all around our vital organs like our heart where it can have a direct adverse effect on heart health. In addition what contributes to making us overweight is an unhealthy diet which also directly contributes to heart disease. So determine your ideal weight and work on staying there.
8. Make love: That’s right, healthy sexual activity has been found to contribute to a healthy heart. Sex counts as exercise, it helps to reduce stress, it lowers blood pressure, and it improves circulation to name a few benefits which help improve heart health. Doctor’s orders that you engage in frequent healthy sexual activity for a healthier heart :)!
9. Enjoy life: You get one shot at this game life so may as well enjoy it. Be sure to keep a healthy work and life balance. So many people tip the scale in favor of work and as a result stress rises and their health gets put to the side. Over time these poor lifestyle habits come to a head often in the form of a heart attack or some other chronic disease. Be sure to take time out and enjoy life. It will make things more pleasurable and once again your heart will thank you for nourishing it.
10. Get adjusted: You betcha! What controls every cell, tissue, muscle and organ (like the heart) in the body? The nervous system does. Where does the nervous system originate from? The spine. A healthy functioning spine helps to keep your nervous system in tip top shape which helps to keep the end organs that rely upon the optimal function of the nervous system, like your heart, healthy. Chiropractic studies have also demonstrated that spinal adjustments can help lower blood pressure (http://wb.md/1PiSedL ). Plus regular spinal adjustments help reduce stress. When was the last time you got adjusted?
So which heart healthy tip are you going to start incorporating into your healthy lifestyle regiment?
Your heart works hard for you so be sure to take some time out and show it some love.
Yes February is American Heart Month and is when we celebrate Valentine’s Day but let’s not forget about pampering this vital organ known as the heart for a lifetime.
If you treat it well then in return it is more likely to treat you well!
Have a great Valentine’s Day!
As always, I hope this information has served you and will take you one step closer to your desired health goals.
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Until we chat again remember: Eat Well, Move Often and Stay Healthy!